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Week 10: Amazed

Hello everybody! Guess what? I'm a little bit shocked right now. Why? On Friday I found out that my blog was announced blog of the week. What is happening?!? I would never NEVER thought that would happened to me! I cannot really write all the feelings that I'm feeling because it's kind of all over the places but I'm really honored of this price! Hopefully this is going to give me the extra push to finishing this course smoothly.

On Monday we had 3 fascinating speakers: Jyri Rasinmäki, Sofia Auranen and Terhi Aho. Even though we didn't have many of students attending on Monday the speakers were enthusiastic to perform. You have to always give your best. It doesn't matter if your performing class of 10 or 100 you have to treat them equally. Once I attended the toast talk about Startup I don't know if you remember but it was in the beginning of this course (week 3). Karri Kurunmäki were speaker of the topic and he mentions that you have to always be ready to sale. Sale your project, you and your ideas. It doesn't really matter are you influencing people of students or high corporation of people. If you treat people equally maybe just maybe people are going to treat you the same.

First speaker and who I remember best was Rasinmäki. He was discussing about critical thinking, asking the right question and problem solving. I recollect that he gave us great advises about job hunting and how to be a good worker. You have to take actions not just send applications. If you really want some job it's better to call there or go at the place. You have to make them remember you name. Also you have to focus what you are good at. Sometimes people tell to much crap and don't really give the key fact what they are really good at. What would separate themselves from the others. Lastly you shouldn't think about the money. Money doesn't motivate for long. If you hate what you are doing it doesn't help really how much you get.

Then was Laurea graduate Sofia Auranen. She was really something. She had really lived very interesting life and one of the her advice were get out of your comfort zones. We Finns are really comfort zones lovers. We really don't want to try anything new and I can relate to that! But you cannot say people how succeed stay in one lane. You shouldn't think or worry about what people are going to think what you are doing. You do you and educate yourself what you want. I wish that would be that easy.

The most highlighted speaker was Terhi Aho. Her presentation was a little short but very instructive. She was speaking about search engine optimization and content marketing. One thing what stuck in my mind that when we are searching different types of information we are profile and that going to effect the information later.

On Thurday we got awesome speaker from Kanttia 2 Oy - Antti Haapsaari. He was telling about his work experience especially his wins and failures. For example his company has won HURRAA award for their work in Vuorikallio area. Amazing and very inspiring. He was also telling about his project in Egypt and his relationship with his mentor. Also what raise my attention was Haapsaari told about possibility of planning some kind of project with our school with involving his connections in Egypt. That would be surely project what I would 100 percent be involved with! It's funny that really anything can happen. You never really understand about this concept but what our speaker and teacher have said to us over this course that we are the only ones who decided what our future is going to be. We just have believe in it and make it happen. Nobody is going to give you anything in silver platter - kind of scary, right?

On Thursday we got to chances to choose one project of 2 different types of projects and we chose to work with Avionboard. Avionboard's product is well-known especially young minds now and I'm keen on where this project is going to take us. I'm going to inform you about that my following posts.

Now I'm going to go rest and enjoy a little break from school.

- Cheers xoxo

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